70+ cheese

70+ cheese

So many different cheeses, so many different fat contents. On this page, you will find our foreign 70+ cheeses. A wide range of the most extraordinary cheeses. Order your favourite, we cut the cheese fresh from the knife and vacuum pack it so that it arrives deliciously fresh at your home!

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  1. Le Délice De Bourgogne

    Le Délice de Bourgogne (aka Brillat-Savarin Affine): a so-called triple-cream cheese similar in appearance to a classic brie. This little cheese has a mild, aromatic and creamy flavour that makes it a great addition to the cheeseboard. This little cheese weighs 225 grams each.

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Buy 70+ chees

In our assortment you will find various 70+ cheeses, on this page you will find a wide range of cheese. 70+ cheese belongs to the fat cheeses, here you will find unique cheeses with a delicious flavour. The cheeses in this category are very tasty on a cheeseboard, a baguette or on toast. In short: a wide choice of super tasty cheeses, fresh from the knife of course!

Meaning of the fat content in 70+ cheese

Many people are aware that 70+ cheeses are fattier than, say, a 30+ cheese or a 45+ cheese. Unfortunately, people often make the mistake of thinking that in the case of a 70+ cheese, the cheese consists of 70% fat, but this is absolutely not the case.

This is because a cheese consists of water and solid nutrients, generally the distribution is 40% water and 60% solid nutrients. The fat content ‘70+’ refers only to the solids. So it is not the case that a 100-gram piece of cheese contains 70 grams of fat. The fat content in grams is then around 42 grams (slightly more than 70% of 60 grams).

The meaning of the plus sign

The plus sign indicates the difference in fat content in a young and an old cheese. Because an old cheese has matured longer, it contains less moisture and more solids. So this also means that there is proportionally more fat in old cheese than in young cheese.